Newave’s genesis – train fines

7 May 2024

A few years ago, when Ewen and Hadrien were about to enter their 2nd year of preparatory school, a good week’s swell was forecast in the Landes for the last week of the summer holidays. It was going to be a tough year with very few holidays, so if they wanted to make the most of the waves, it was now or never.

So it’s decided, they’re going on a last-minute surf trip! After a few phone calls to friends, a crack team was formed and the logistics were organised. Everything was looking good.

But then the SNCF (the French national rail company) wanted to add an obstacle. Joining Hadrien in La Rochelle, Ewen was fined on the train because of his surfboard. That’s because, luggage over 1.30 m long is not allowed on TGVs, even if you pay a baggage supplement!

Despite this fine, the surf trip went well, the waves were there and the sessions went on. Our two founders surfed for an average of 6 hours a day, making the most of these last moments of summer with their friends.

Unfortunately, SNCF hadn’t finished with Ewen just yet, on the way home he picked up another fine on the train! This time he brooded a bit, and that’s when he came up with the idea of making dismountable surfboards.

This idea would stay with him for a long time, as it was 4 years later that he launched Newave. The objective was clear: design a high-performance dismountable surfboard that’s easy to assemble and, above all, fits in the train.

Now Ewen and Hadrien have the solution for their surf trips. The Newave boards, once stowed in their bags, meet all the requirements of the SNCF. In fact, the Newave carry bag is smaller than the maximum dimensions of 90 x 130cm, even with a 2m70 board inside.

If you too would like to take your board on a train journey, take a look at our online shop!

See you soon!

La team Newave

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Newave makes life easier for surfers by offering surfboards that are detachable into three pieces and transportable in its backpack! Road trips at your fingertips!

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