Surfing by bike: challenges and tips

7 May 2024

For surf lovers, going surfing by bike is ideal! It’s easy, and effective: you can often set off with the wetsuit on straight away… and only take it off once you’re back at home, snug and warm under the shower!

Nevertheless, transporting a surfboard by bike presents its share of challenges. Let’s find out what they are and some tips on how to overcome them.

1. size and space requirements:

One of the main challenges is  the size of the surfboard. They can make transporting a bike difficult, especially over long distances. With the board under your arm, it can even be very dangerous! It’s hard to grab the brakes on downhill sections or to keep the bike stable.

2. safety of the board:

On a bike, avoiding snags on the boards isn’t always easy! Watch out for sharp bends, narrow streets, street furniture or simply falling off! And with a strong wind, the risk of falling is particularly high. The board has a strong grip on the wind, throwing the bike off balance and endangering the rider.

So how do you overcome these obstacles and get the most out of your cycling adventure on the waves?

_Use of Transport Accessories:

Specially designed accessories, such as surfboard racks or bike trailers, can make it easier to transport your equipment. They may be expensive, but they’re often effective! You should also beware of surfboards being stolen from bicycles, as they are often stolen if they are not secured. And watch out for strong winds too. Because of the position of the board, the surfboard rac provides a strong lateral wind grip, which is the cause of many falls!

But what is the best option for surf cyclists?

a dismountable surfboard!

With Newave, surfboards can be dismantled into three pieces! No need to buy a surf rack or trailer: The board is carried on your back in a custom-made bag.  No more risk of falling in strong winds! No more thefts of surfboards from bikes. We offer you THE solution for easy cycling.

It’s life-changing, isn’t it? We didn’t choose Newave, New life as a slogan for nothing 😉

You can order just here.

PS: you want to know if the board is resistant enough? Check our youtube video here!

See you soon!

La team Newave

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Newave makes life easier for surfers by offering surfboards that are detachable into three pieces and transportable in its backpack! Road trips at your fingertips!

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